
In this simplified model all countries have been aggregated to a common 26-sector classification and the supply-use tables from the full Eora MRIO have been converted to symmetric product-by-product IO tables using the Industry Technology Assumption. This MRIO thus contains only symmetric product-by-product and industry-by-industry IO tables. (For details on this SUT to IOT conversion refer to the Eurostat Manual of Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables , specifically Table 11.29.) We provide the MRIO in basic prices, recommended for use for environmentally extended IO analysis, and in purchasers prices, typically only used for applications with household expenditure surveys.

This simplified model is considerably easier to work with than the full Eora MRIO but it is known to be slightly less accurate. Both the step of aggregating sectors from the higher sectoral detail of Eora to the lower detail of Eora26, and the step of converting Supply/Use tables to IO tables, involve both a net information loss and the introduction of some new assumptions. The full resolution Eora results are considered to be superior. The Eora26 MRIO is provided for simplicity, but is provided as-is.

Each zipfile contains the MRIO data in tab-separated .txt files, divided into the transactions matrix T, primary inputs (also called value added) VA, final demand block FD, and satellite accounts (also called environmental extensions or stressors) Q (Q for emissions associated with production, QY for direct emissions by final consumers). Metadata labels are provided in separate .txt files. The unzipped data are ~200MB for each year.

A concordance table documenting the sectoral aggregation from Eora to Eora26 is available here: conc_full2simplified.txt

We periodically release updated datasets which in addition to having updated values may have a different country composition or sequence. To make such updates easier to manage we highly recommend you store these data in a folder that refelcts the current version number: v199.82.

This Excel file illustrates the strucutre of Eora26: Eora26Structure.xlsx

The files below contain pure numeric elements. The country and sector labels are provided in separate index files which can be download here: indices.zip

Year Eora26 (in basic prices) Purchasers prices
2023 Eora26_2023_bp.zip Eora26_2023_pp.zip
2022 Eora26_2022_bp.zip Eora26_2022_pp.zip
2021 Eora26_2021_bp.zip Eora26_2021_pp.zip
2020 Eora26_2020_bp.zip Eora26_2020_pp.zip
2019 Eora26_2019_bp.zip Eora26_2019_pp.zip
2018 Eora26_2018_bp.zip Eora26_2018_pp.zip
2017 Eora26_2017_bp.zip Eora26_2017_pp.zip
2016 Eora26_2016_bp.zip Eora26_2016_pp.zip
2015 Eora26_2015_bp.zip Eora26_2015_pp.zip
2014 Eora26_2014_bp.zip Eora26_2014_pp.zip
2013 Eora26_2013_bp.zip Eora26_2013_pp.zip
2012 Eora26_2012_bp.zip Eora26_2012_pp.zip
2011 Eora26_2011_bp.zip Eora26_2011_pp.zip
2010 Eora26_2010_bp.zip Eora26_2010_pp.zip
2009 Eora26_2009_bp.zip Eora26_2009_pp.zip
2008 Eora26_2008_bp.zip Eora26_2008_pp.zip
2007 Eora26_2007_bp.zip Eora26_2007_pp.zip
2006 Eora26_2006_bp.zip Eora26_2006_pp.zip
2005 Eora26_2005_bp.zip Eora26_2005_pp.zip
2004 Eora26_2004_bp.zip Eora26_2004_pp.zip
2003 Eora26_2003_bp.zip Eora26_2003_pp.zip
2002 Eora26_2002_bp.zip Eora26_2002_pp.zip
2001 Eora26_2001_bp.zip Eora26_2001_pp.zip
2000 Eora26_2000_bp.zip Eora26_2000_pp.zip
1999 Eora26_1999_bp.zip Eora26_1999_pp.zip
1998 Eora26_1998_bp.zip Eora26_1998_pp.zip
1997 Eora26_1997_bp.zip Eora26_1997_pp.zip
1996 Eora26_1996_bp.zip Eora26_1996_pp.zip
1995 Eora26_1995_bp.zip Eora26_1995_pp.zip
1994 Eora26_1994_bp.zip Eora26_1994_pp.zip
1993 Eora26_1993_bp.zip Eora26_1993_pp.zip
1992 Eora26_1992_bp.zip Eora26_1992_pp.zip
1991 Eora26_1991_bp.zip Eora26_1991_pp.zip
1990 Eora26_1990_bp.zip Eora26_1990_pp.zip

To cite this work please refer to these papers:

Lenzen M, Kanemoto K; Moran D, and Geschke A (2012) Mapping the structure of the world economy. Environmental Science & Technology 46(15) pp 8374–8381. DOI: 10.1021/es300171x

Lenzen, M., Moran, D., Kanemoto, K., Geschke, A. (2013) Building Eora: A Global Multi-regional Input-Output Database at High Country and Sector Resolution. Economic Systems Research, 25:1, 20-49, DOI:10.1080/09535314.2013.769938

Many people and institutions have contributed to the creation of the Eora MRIO tables. We would like to thank all those individuals and institutions which have helped make the Eora MRIO a reality. Acknowledgements.